Driver/Operator Pump-Certified

Types of fire pump equipped apparatus-inspection, maintenance, water supply, systems, fire hoze nozzles, flow rates, pressure and hydraulic calculations, relay pumping operations, foam equipment and systems.

Catalog Number: 47503743
Class Number: 22387
Credits: 1.65

Class Number: 22387

State/Federally Funded
Date Range: -

Meeting Times

Dates Day(s) Time Location(s)
01/22/25 - 03/12/25 M, W 7:30 AM - 3:20 PM
GB UDF Classroom UD109
GB UDF Full Track
GBP Fire Ground
Registrations for this class will open on 11/14/2024 at 12:00 AM.
Driver/Operator Pump-Certified - 47503743 4893 277.62 Public Safety true