Forklift Train-the-Trainer

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Location: Great Lakes Energy Education Center
2701 Larsen Rd
Green Bay, WI 54303
Room: EE203

OSHA requires that all forklift training be conducted by persons who have the knowledge, training, and experience to train others and evaluate their competence. This one-day workshop prepares company representatives to be in-house trainers. The goal of the class is to provide participants with the training requirements, topics, and documentation so they can develop appropriate and compliant in-house instruction on powered industrial trucks. Topics reviewed:

  • OSHA forklift safety basics
  • Equipment specifics
  • Stability, load center, load handling and dock safety
  • Vehicle inspections
  • Safe operating practices and fuel safety
  • Training program development, implementation, and documentation

Instructor: Leon Peterik

  • Please register by 2/09/2025 to avoid a low enrollment cancellation.
$395.00 / person
Location: 2701 Larsen Rd - Room: EE203
Latitude: 44.5289019
Longitude: -88.106176
Marker Title:
Marker Tooltip:
Forklift Train-the-Trainer 5515 395 Safety true