Grant Writing

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Location: NWTC Green Bay Campus
2740 W Mason St
Green Bay, WI 54303
Room: CC215 Parking Lot F

NWTC is pleased to partner with the Center for Innovative Change, LLC to offer its successful grant writing course.

The 4 C’s of Grant Writing (2-day course) To be successful in their efforts, grant writers and planners must present realistic and achievable strategies that align with the available time and funding. The two-day course aims to develop successful grant writers who are prepared to move smoothly from writing to implementing programs and projects. Using a variety of exercises and activities, participants will be able to:

  1. Create search terms that help find relevant federal, state, and private funding opportunities
  2. Apply updated writing skills to program and budget narratives
  3. Organize documents efficiently so funding agencies can easily review your application
  4. Look at applications strategically through the eyes of the reviewer
  5. Make meaningful connections between the problem statement, proposed strategies, capabilities, and budget to align the project and the resources with the anticipated impact and outcomes
  6. Create strategies based on SMART objectives (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) as well as a clear vision for the future

Bring your laptop or tablet and plan to be actively engaged in this training opportunity! Due to the hands-on nature of the instruction, space is limited so you may wish to reserve your spots early!

If you would like your agency to be invoiced after the training is complete, email with each attendee's name, email address and date of birth and we will get them registered for the class.

$299.00 / person
Location: 2740 W Mason St - Room: CC215 Parking Lot F
Latitude: 44.5272643
Longitude: -88.109515
Marker Title: NWTC Green Bay Campus
Marker Tooltip: NWTC Green Bay Campus
Grant Writing 5205 299 Public Safety true