How to Run a Successful Kaizen Event (Online Live)

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Location: Virtual Event
A link will be provided.
Virtual, Event 00000
Room: Virtual Meeting

Facilitate a productive Kaizen event by learning how to guide your team to improvement and success. By establishing the purpose of the event, the processes to focus on and team members’ roles, your event will have meaningful progress. Kaizen events are beneficial to all teams by allowing for input and providing a sense of empowerment to all involved.

In this seminar, you will learn:
* When to hold a Kaizen event
* How to assemble your team by identifying who should be involved
* Ways to identify improvement opportunities
* How to measure success for improvement opportunities
* Presentation and ongoing efforts for improvement

Instructor: Katie Labedz

$239.00 / person
How to Run a Successful Kaizen Event (Online Live) 5189 239 Lean/Continuous Improvement true