LESB Scenario Instructor

Approaching capacity.
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Location: NWTC-Green Bay TH/Public Safety Tactical House
2565 Larsen Rd
Green Bay, WI 54303
Room: GBTH202 Front Classroom

This 16-hour course, taught by a scenario master instructor trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as an LESB Scenario Instructor, including scenario training, testing and force-on-force safety and training techniques.

Applicant must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course within the previous 2 years before attending, or be a currently-certified LESB Instructor, and have 3 years full-time experience. Applicant must use the Form DJ-LE336 to apply for this training. Instructions: 1. Register online below or download the Instructor Registration form at www.nwtc.edu/publicsafetytraining. 2. Complete form DJ-LE-336 "Application to Attend Topic-Specific Instructor Course" available at www.nwtc.edu/publicsafetytraining. 3. Email completed DJ-LE-336 form, copy of certificate of completion of a Criminal Justice Instructor Development Course (CJIDC), and registration form (if downloaded) to NWTC –Jason Weber jason.weber@nwtc.edu no later than 5 days from the course start date. Confirmation to attend training will not be made until these documents have been received by NWTC.

$160.00 / person
We are not currently taking registrations for this event.
Location: 2565 Larsen Rd - Room: GBTH202 Front Classroom
Latitude: 44.530685
Longitude: -88.099862
Marker Title:
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LESB Scenario Instructor 910 160 Public Safety true