Media Relations

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Location: NWTC-Green Bay CC/Corporate Conference Center
2740 W Mason St
Green Bay, WI 54303
Room: CC213 Parking Lot F

Public safety agencies and the media have had a long and storied history. Given the very nature of our profession, it is invariable that we will be the focus of a news story - some good and some not so good.

This class will cover tips and strategies on how to manage these news stories and critical incidents as well as methods to get reporters to cover the positive happenings at your agency. We will also feature a panel discussion with various media representatives so you can learn directly from them on what they are seeking. Our instructor, Joel Dhein, has over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement and was the national crime prevention correspondent for Fox News. Joel presently serves as the president of the Wisconsin Crime Prevention Practitioners Association and the National Crime Prevention Association.

$100.00 / person
We are not currently taking registrations for this event.
Location: 2740 W Mason St - Room: CC213 Parking Lot F
Latitude: 44.5272643
Longitude: -88.109515
Marker Title:
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Media Relations 1093 100 Public Safety true