Transition to Supervision

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Location: NWTC-Green Bay CC/Corporate Conference Center
2740 W Mason St
Green Bay, WI 54303
Room: CC210 Parking Lot F

Making the transition from line level to supervisory positions provides new personal and professional growth opportunities but can sometimes come with unanticipated challenges. Participants will learn about management styles, employee coaching, and ethical decision-making. Through classroom discussion, case studies, and role-plays, this one-day course helps make a smooth transition for those who are newly promoted as well as those who are preparing for supervisory positions.

Attendees will take away the following objectives: • Classify the characteristics of a good supervisor. • Explain the emotional impact of the transition to self and others. • Define interpersonal relationships: distinguish between personal and professional relationships. • Describe ways to develop and maintain positive self-confidence. • Identify seven major transition steps to supervising others. • Apply four keys to self-evaluation.

$169.00 / person
We are not currently taking registrations for this event.
Location: 2740 W Mason St - Room: CC210 Parking Lot F
Latitude: 44.5272643
Longitude: -88.109515
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Transition to Supervision 904 169 Public Safety true